[Various Sources] Wraithbone had always been formed from warp energy.

With the recently released 10th edition codex for the Aeldari causing some discussion, particularly about Wraithbone, I've seen multiple claims circulating around alleging the lore has never actually stated that Wraithbone is the product of the warp.

Curious, I've gathered a few sources from White Dwarf, codices, and novels into a post suggesting that no, this was never was the case until now, it had always been a product of warp energy.

...Vaul took the tears shed by Isha and turned them into spirit stones. By means of the stones an Eldar could talk to the Gods, and in this way the Eldar and gods could communicate even though they could never meet. Although Vaul knew Asuryan had forbidden contact between mortals and gods he gave one of the stones to Isha and the remainder to her mortal children the Eldar.
By means of the stones the Eldar talked to Isha. They learned how to use the stones to draw runes, and were shown how the energy of the stones could be combined with the runes to make skeletal frameworks for various structures and craft.

-White Dwarf 127, Pg. 14

A spirit stone is a tool which allows a Bonesinger to draw energy from the warp and shape it into matter. The matter created in this way is called Wraithbone, and it can be psychically teased and manipulated by the Bonesinger into almost any form he wishes...
Because Wraithbone is a solidified form of warp energy it has several special properties. It never really loses its physical connection to the warp, so that in a sense part of it remains in the warp at all times. As a result Wraithbone can channel psychic energy much as an electric cable carries current. At the same time it also contains psychic forces and can shield the forces it contains from other psychic energy.

-White Dwarf 127, Pg. 16

Wraithships are made from Wraithbone, a material drawn as raw energy from the warp and shaped into matter by psychic craftsmen known as Bonesingers. The Wraithbone forms the living skeletal core of the spaceship around which its other structures are arranged. The Wraithbone also provides channels for psychic energy. This facilitates internal communication, transmits power and enables the spaceship to act as an organically integrated vehicle.
The Wraithbone core of a spaceship is surrounded by a structure which is literally grown into the required shape by Bonesingers. These Eldar use their psychomorphic talents to shape bulkheads, walls, floors, and conduits into a shell that completely surrounds the Wraithbone core and forms the hull and major internal divisions of the spaceship.

-White Dwarf 139, Pg. 32

The greatest of the materials the Eldar employ is called wraithbone: an immensely resilient substance that is grown rather than made, more resilient than adamantium and far more flexible. When a wraithbone construct is damaged, it will gradually repair itself, a process that can be accelerated by the psychic chanting of a Bonesinger. Because of this, the greatest war-constructs are made almost entirely from wraithbone, giving them extreme durability and strength.

-Codex: Craftworlds (7th Edition), Pg. 20

With them came a coterie of grim-faced seers, all clad in plain white, heads shorn of all hair. Between them floated an ovoid container, dark red in colour and patterned with silver runes. Korlandril recognised wraithbone—a psychoplastic woven into existence by the bonesingers, the living core of Alaitoc and every other eldar creation. Korlandril’s waystone fluttered warmly as the casket slowly glided past him.

-Path of the Warrior, Gav Thorpe

The infinity circuit thrummed with the energy being channelled. The structure of wraithbone blended with the psychic circuitry of the craftworld, attached at several key nodes. Drawing on this power, the bonesingers were weaving a pattern of resonant psychic energies, overlapping matrices of power that when combined formed solid matter: fabled wraithbone...
...With her eyes and ears, she had some vague idea of the wraithbone forming out of the air, growing from the existing skeleton, its creation setting up vibrations that cut across the psychic choir. With her mind, she could appreciate the true beauty of the act. The nascent wraithbone existed as a potentiality within the skein, taking on infinite forms. As the bonesingers led the other artificers, the skein pulsed and flowed with their desires, their imagining of the ship’s design acting as the guide of fate. Conforming to this shaped destiny, the wraithbone solidified from its amorphous state into a physical material, fulfilling the self-destiny of its existence. Fuelled by the infinity circuit, the wraithbone was a distillation of the skein, an amalgam of hope and despair, opportunity and disappointment, love and hate, life and death. The songs of the artisans encompassed joy and woe, the realisation of dreams and the dashing of ambitions. The wraithbone was glowing with its own chill light, its future shape appearing as a fluttering image on the edge of vision, molecule by molecule emerging from its potential to fulfil its destiny.
"The design that you see is not an invention of mine,’ said the bonesinger, shaking his head. ‘ The wraithbone is psychoreactive, as you know. It is responding to you, forming itself from your thoughts and feelings, binding itself to your spirit. What you see is a reflection of yourself, as realised by the wraithbone."

-Path of the Seer, Gav Thorpe

The song changed, the light coalesced, forming matter. Wraithbone. Iyanna was spellbound by the creation of matter from nothing.

The light at the centre of the chamber was dimming as more wraithbone solidified from intangible plasms. The product of the song was luminous, but no more than that. It had crossed the threshold from the might-be to the is. Having judged there to be sufficient raw material for their purposes, the bonesingers changed their tune, picking up speed. 

-Valedor, Guy Haley