aitah for poisoning my roommate

My roommate (43(?)F) moved in with me(20F) and my mom(46F) around March. She was originally going to move in February after my mom suggested helping her get out of an abusive house which i later found out (by her own admission) she was lying about. she said she wouldnt be moving in for another month because she hates dogs and i was pup sitting for the landlord, i asked her if she was allergic or attacked or something and she said "no, theyre just disgusting animals". at the time, i just passed it off as there was a neglected dog in the abusive house she was supposedly escaping.

more recently, my bf moved in to actually escape an abusive house and he pays rent as well. Not too long after, bfs dad and his hypoallergenic dog got kicked out of their house for a week(dog got kicked out too so bfs dad couldnt get in a bus or homeless shelter). we took them in and i just kept the dog in my room and cleaned up after it. when roommate came home, dog barked a bit because he thought it was bfs dad moving around so she knew the dog was in the house. the next morning she was coughing a bunch and told me shes deathly allergic to dogs and already on the maximum dose possible of prescription antihistamines and still sick. see, normally i would take that at face value because i know that no dog is completely hypoallergenic so she might just rlly be extremely allergic to dogs enough for her lungs to get irritated from the most hypoallergenic dog breed, but when she originally came over she told me she wasnt allergic, she just thinks theyre disgusting. also, the landlords dog is a husky and she insisted on cleaning a basket with clothes coated with clumps of husky hair when she first moved in with no reaction. if she was rlly that allergic, she would have been hospitalized after cleaning that bin. so when she left to drive her bf to the train station to get to work, the dog came into the house, chilled in the living room for a bit while bfs dad was showering. she got home and not a single cough at all. at some point, she had said she had a severe allergy to shrimp like if you touch shrimp and then touch something, if she touches what you touched she will go into anaphylactic shock so bad an epipen wouldnt even work and shed need to be hospitalized also if you microwaved shrimp. I figured yea shrimp and seafood are common cross-contamination allergies, never questioned it because thats too dangerous to question, plus i dont even like shrimp myself so i didnt care much. i was usually always the one to remind my mom and her bfs about her shrimp allergy everytime they talk about seafood. then, one day my mom gave me and my bf some montana's steak and shrimp. i can't have beef cuz it upsets my stomach but i was so hungry i didnt care how much i dislike shrimp and completely forgot about roommates allergy so i went around doing tasks as normal after eating. i also have a tendency to forget doing dishes right away and then when i went to do the dishes she mustve thought my fork was moms and cleaned it. i realized days to weeks later. no reaction, no hospitalization, nothing, she just doesnt like the smell of shrimp. that has all been pretext and yall can tell me if i was tah for that because ik i would be pissed off if someone slipped kiwis in my food to test my allergies and my tongue swelled up but there was no reaction so no harm. but now ik she lies about allergies just because she doesnt like these things. now, the issue at hand. my mom is indian, i am half but i noticed she stopped lighting incense around the house shortly after roommate moved in. i kind of just assumed she just didnt like the smell. i also knew that when she doesnt like something, she claims to be allergic to it. i just cleaned my room today so i lit my white-people incense in hopes that the weaker, less ethnic scent wouldnt piss her off and tried to keep my door closed while it burned. my bf opened the door after about a quarter of the incense burned to go take a bong rip in the living room and in a minute maybe less she was freaking out saying shes allergic and going to go into anaphylactic shock and asked me to put it out, i turned around and admittedly bf and i made an i-knew-it face at each other and immediately put it out and closed the door to avoid more of it escaping the room and avoid getting yelled at. i could hear her freaking out in the kitchen and running water(i assume rinsing her throat). i then texted mom asking if she was mad at me cuz im lowkey scared of her accusing me of abuse or attempted murder(she accused her bf of rape and physical abuse on halloween when she was mad at me for complaining about her fucking loudly and building shelves at 4 am on work/school nights and accused the landlord of abuse when she and the repair man wouldnt fix her fan on her schedule(because she sleeps 4am-1pm and repair man is only available til 1:30)) i did apologize once she was calmed down tho and explained that i thought she just didnt like the smell so i kept the door closed so the smell wouldnt get to her room. also, i looked it up and couldnt find anything that said incense allergies cause anaphylaxis, just sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny nose but it can cause asthma to act up. so aitah.