How can I, 20F, best handle misogynistic comments from my 20M boyfriend?
I am a 20F and my bf is 20M we have been together almost 5 years and live together. He likes to drink and whenever he does sometimes he can get a little out of control. Let me explain. So yesterday we were talking about an art exhibit I seen on TikTok, this art exhibit was of actual entries written by wives/mothers of the 1920s begging to have access to safe contraception. These entries were graphic and heartbreaking speaking commonly of abuse, domestic violence and child neglect. When speaking about this to my partner he drunkenly said, "women in those relationships deserve to get punched around, they could've just left or said no if they wanted to, they probably liked it." You can imagine the inner rage I felt hearing my boyfriend say such disturbingly misogynistic comments about something he knew I felt strongly about. I played along in shock not sure how best to react I decided to just call him stupid for saying that. He took a lot of personal offense to me calling him stupid. He then proceeded to say "call me stupid one more time I dare you." (Sigh this isn't our best moment) I called him stupid again because he still had not apologized or corrected himself. He then proceeded to go to our room and lock himself in but not before saying "enjoy being alone." Our relationship suffered after this last night and now it's the next day. We have tried to talk it out but it's hard to get the conversation to a place of resolution since he has very strong emotions on my choice of word to call him. I understand his reservations about my comment but I feel like he doesn't truly understand just how devastating that can be to hear as a woman especially as girlfriend hearing that from your boyfriend. I do love him our relationship does not look like this majority of the time but he does have an issue with over drinking sometimes. I am willing to stick with him through this does anyone have a simular relationship or know someone in one that could share any thoughts on how best to go about this for a successful resolution?
Edit ~ Wow so many comments I was unprepared for that and slightly overwhelmed but message received. Everyone showed so much care and that's really remarkable. I come to let everyone know things went downhill really fast and only in a couple days after this instance. We exchanged christmas presents (it took us a while to get them ready for each other) and while I got him sensible gifts (a new pillow, beef jerky and a portable speaker) he got me an $1,000 coach bag and brand new ugg boots. Mind you never have I mentioned to him that I would ever want either of those things. I actually told him and thought he understood that I do not like expensive things I'm more of a thrifter/collector. A day after the exchange I mention to him that in the future he shouldn't spend so much money on a present for me and that I'd rather just go somewhere with that money. (We live in a one bedroom apartment) I tried to say it respectfully and not to sound ungrateful or unappreciative but he completely took it out of context. He called me ungrateful and said he would return the items and acted very callous about me telling him that, saying, "I've just never heard of a girl not wanting coach or ugg" the whole situation just peeved me to the point that I started quite literally beating his ass or at least trying to. It was a really sad low point- being at my wits ends with a man. I told him to get the F away from me and eventually he did. After a few hours of him blasting loud rap music from our bedroom and me being locked out crying on the floor, I eventually went into the room to try to go to sleep. There were shards of hard candy in our bed? Like all under the sheets. Then he started announcing that he was throwing my stuff ON to our deck. I didn't know what stuff but I didn't have the energy to care. Turns out he put out my kareoke microphone, my headphones and all my socks, underwear and notebooks onto our deck. It was snowing. Then he cursed me out as I lay motionless in our bed too exhausted and in shock to even say much back. I asked him if he "finally felt like a man" he said I sounded stupid and that I needed to leave and get out of the apartment ASAP for beating on him. I was contacting my dad throughout all of this and took photos of things I could use to justify my reasons for leaving. I contacted my friends via Snapchat and they supported me 110% to leave and start packing ASAP. So I did and that's where the story ends. I'm now at my mom and dad's house trying to do better so. Pray for me.