I think my sister hates me

Everytime I would be talking to her, especially about something that excites me, she always wants me to leave her alone, she never wants to talk. And when I asked her why she hated talking to me, she said “I don’t.” Which she clearly does. And so many times she would tell me that she hates me, and wish she never had a sister. And so many times, if I were to randomly bring up something along the lines of “I always have to hug my stuffed animals when I’m crying” or “I never get any hugs from anyone” she’s always like “what am I, chop liver?” And she says “you can always come to me if your crying” but when I do, she could care less. I would even text her “I’m crying” and all she would say is “why,” and if she were to find me crying, she always says, “what’s wrong?” Or “what’s your problem?” and if I said I didn’t want to talk about it, she’d force me to tell her, and she wouldn’t even try to comfort me anytime. And she gets mad at me when I say she never comforts me, or she never cares.

I don’t know if this is what normal siblings do, or if she genuinely hates me. And she never cares when she hurts my feelings. Is this normal? Am I overthinking? What do I do?