My first physics mock went astronomically badly help

I just had my first in class assessment IT WAS SO SO BAD I WAS FIGHTING TEARS I WANTED TO PROJECT MYSELF OUT OF THAT CLASSROOM firstly i didnt even have a timer??? So till halfway through 45 mins in I was on question 4 having ALREADY SKIPPED 2 🤯 then I realised I was thoroughly cooked because WTF?????? The multiple choice questions - took me way longer than a minute a mark. A stupid force meter in a moments question I think completely threw me off, there was an arrow questions where I got the first part ONLY BC IVE DONE IT BEFORE and the rest I didn’t even understand what it was asking for and by the end I was back at the start fumbling over charges in quark structure😭😭 Even if I got all the questions I did right I don’t think I even got half of the marks and I def didn’t get every question right! And ok duh I should revise more but is there anything else I can do and is this like a universal experience or am I just terrible at physics ???? Sorry this is long