AITA for not replacing my roommate’s broken IPad?

My roommate and I are issued iPads at the college we attend as all students are. The other day, several roommates were in the kitchen making dinner or finding food, and one had just entered the kitchen holding her iPad, watching a lecture video or something. I was about to pull a hot tray of food from the oven, so I loudly announced I was opening the oven and for everyone to watch out. The roommate next to me stepped out of the way, so I know there was plenty of time to react, but the roommate holding her iPad did not move. I backed into her when I stepped back to open the oven door, and she dropped her iPad on the ground. She did not have a case or screen protector on her iPad, and when she picked it up, the screen was cracked in a few places, but the iPad still worked fine. She immediately got mad at me for causing her to drop her iPad. I apologized, told her it was an accident, and asked if she heard me when I said I was opening the oven. She said she did, but I should have made sure there wasn’t anyone in the way before I moved. She then demanded I replace her iPad because it was my fault. I told her it wasn’t my fault, she should have watched out when I said to. She also didn’t have a case or screen protector, which was irresponsible, and only the screen was broken, so there was no need to replace the entire iPad. I told her I would help with the cost of replacing the screen, but she insisted she needed a new one and it was my responsibility to pay for it. I don’t think buying a new one is necessary, and I don’t think I was to blame. AITA?