
I have been getting better thankfully, but there is still one thought that keeps holding me back from fully recovering. It’s something along the lines of, “You can’t let go of this fear because there’s something actually really wrong.” Or “You’re lying to yourself about eternity not being anything to fear, it is.”

With other fears, you can easily calm down by telling yourself that it’s all in your head or you can just avoid it all together, but with eternity there is no avoiding. It’s a fact, whether we like it or not, and I think that’s where the trapped feeling comes in which I also experience daily with no relief.

It’s crazy because obviously I didn’t think like this my whole life. I was once happy and full of life, even looking forward to the blissful eternity that awaited me (I’m a Christian), but it’s almost like since developing this phobia I’ve now convinced myself that when I wasn’t afraid of it, I was in the wrong, and the ones who still don’t fear it are too (if that makes sense).

I just wish there was a way or something I could tell myself to know that it’s okay to stop fearing this, without feeling like I’m lying to myself. I just have to hold onto the bit of hope I can muster that there is a day coming in the future where this will all be behind me.