Unpopular Opinions

What are some of your unpopular opinions regarding the Arrowverse? Feel free to sound off in the comments, but here are some of mine;

  • I don't mind Superman and Lois taking place in its universe, but I have an issue with them establishing that Superman is the ONLY superpowered hero (before his sons) in their world.
  • I don't mind Team Arrow having a lot of members, especially since most of them are nonpowered.
  • The Flash's S4 was one of the show's worst seasons, while S8 was one of its best seasons.
  • JJ was supposed to replace Jen in Black Lightning S4, and the show itself walked that decision back with the last-minute twist.
  • Lex should've been introduced for S5 of Supergirl rather than having him overshadow two already interesting villains in Agent Liberty and Manchester Black.
  • Stargirl was the only Arrowverse show that remained consistently strong for its entire run.
  • Final season rankings: Arrow S8>Stargirl S3>Black Lightning S4>The Flash S9>Batwoman S3>Legends S7>>>>>>>Supergirl S6