Bad idea to install 20 amp devices/wiring on 15 amp circuit for future proofing a renovation?

I’m a homeowner with some diy electrical experience. We’re currently renovating the house slowly over time by ourselves. VERY slowly! Anyway we’re opening a section of the living room to redo insulation and drywall and I figure while I’m there to update the electrical from the 50s on that one wall. Original is 15 amp circuit with 14-2 BX. I know it’s not proper- but does it make sense to redo the 3 receptacles with 12-2 and 20 amp devices to future proof myself? Im not sure when I will get around to redoing the rest of the room. It may not happen for a long time. From my understanding- 12/2 and 20 amp devices are completely fine to install on 15 amp circuit, the danger comes from confusing people in the future and them running something to overload the circuit, correct? Me as the homeowner would know it’s not 20 amp but just wanted some general feedback. Thanks !