Queer Speed Dating- 1 week away!!

As requested 😉 Please spread the word about the next Speed Dating event at Athentic Brewing.

Please RSVP https://docs.google.com/forms/d/ 1CUOIEi- Z52m8kjDCc_N7T7ZT×PSy|8Eiljk7Fvh3Kuw/edit

And Get your ticket! https://www.eventbrite.com/ e/gbtg-speed-dating-tickets-1221496190989? aff=oddtatcreator

As requested 😉 Please spread the word about the next Speed Dating event at Athentic Brewing.

Please RSVP https://docs.google.com/forms/d/ 1CUOIEi- Z52m8kjDCc_N7T7ZT×PSy|8Eiljk7Fvh3Kuw/edit

And Get your ticket! https://www.eventbrite.com/ e/gbtg-speed-dating-tickets-1221496190989? aff=oddtatcreator