Looking for cattle dog buddies to befriend and share cattle dog pics/tips etc.

👋 hi i have posted here before about my cattle dog Milo. He is over weight and I discovered the dog food bags are Wrong on how much food to feed. Me and my son are on a weight loss journey together and would love pals to communicate with and be friends with. I love sharing dog pics especially! lol also looking for tips and advice on what to feed him, exercise, etc. I keep switching his food trying to find the right options and honestly since I started switching his food frequently he stopped having a sensitive stomach. I am not sure that I believe vets necessarily know what’s best and before you all kill me, I do still consult a vet on all things, despite my personal beliefs. And I’ve tried multiple different ones. I’m trying to do best by my dog and struggling. Would be nice to have someone and their dog to hold each other accountable. I have another dog, a 20 pound female Shiba Inu named Rin. I recently started home cooking for my dogs, pretty sure they eat better than I do lol 😂