Looking for opinions: should I quit?

So, I just moved to the western suburbs of Melbourne and am teaching at a Catholic School. After three days of teaching and one week last week of PL, I think the school I'm at is a terrible fit for me, and everything seems to be going wrong.

First of all, it's so incredibly chaotic and none of the higher ups are very helpful. At every step there seems to be an issue. No access to the school system until Saturday. Had to ask my learning leader and my head of house multiple times to get access to Teams, and had the head of house act like it was my fault I had no access. Then, no access to the printer. Then, nothing was uploaded for me onto the school system even though I was told it should all be uploaded. I tried asking again and it still wasn't uploaded. No pidgeon hole assigned, and originally told "everyone will have one if you look in the right spot" when I asked about it. Etc.

Second, I don't like the school's culture. They expect us to follow quite rigid routines, they told us not to wear sneakers, they told off the teachers from last year in the first few minutes of the first staff meeting of the year, etc. I find a lot of the higher up's tones in assemblies with the kids to be quite aggressive, and I think this is modeling bad behaviour to the kids.

Today, the second time I taught a class of year eights, there was a really disruptive group of boys, and an actual physical fight happened during the class. I dealt with it, sent them to the timeout room, and emailed their house leader. Clearly all these disruptive kids shouldn't be in the same class. I talked to another teacher about this and she implied that not much will be done by the house leaders (aka they will all stay in my class).

Also, I only found out what I was teaching the week before, so I have to just follow the lesson plans that are set, and the work is pretty boring and badly planned. I honestly hate having to teach it, but there's no other option now.

I am thinking about doing CRT work until I find a school that's a better fit and just want to hear anyone's thoughts.

Tl;dr The school I'm at sucks. Chaotic, unhelpful higher ups, and seems to be modeling toxic behaviour to the kids. Basically, I want to quit. I just want to hear other teacher's opinions.