Scared for my husband
Hi there. My husband has been complaining about twitching in his calfs as long as I've known him (15 years!) but recently this past February he's been complaining of them in his left quad. He's also experience what he says is "pain and aches" in the area on his quad where he twitches. I've seen the twitching, it's intense in both of his calfs (very visible) but the one in his thigh is more subtle/smaller? I also don't see any type of atrophy but he's very convinced it is there! Even pointing out some flattening in the thigh muscle when he flexes it. Then says thats exactly where he feels the pain!
I don't know... I don't see it. He's driving me and my daughter insane with all this health stuff. So many doctors... mri's, bloodwork. his anxiety is through the roof and is barely able to be a dad/husband because of this.
I'm not sure what else to do anymore. I'm going with him to his followup neurologist appointment this week. I don't what he's pointing out to me. I do see the twitching and I do see he is in discomfort with pain and aches in his thigh. He's still working out (some) and works from home so he's also drinking his face off everyday.
I feel bad for him but can't take this crap anymore and just decided to vent here.