To the devs: About Crossplay
I know that the subject of Crossplay came up a lot in battlefield 2042 but I think that, especially for Xbox users, crossplay really killed the game on this device.
I'm not against PC - Console Crossplay but it has to be case by case... Some games are very viable and others are not... and Battlefield, having played it on PC too, brings a considerable advantage to Keyboard/Mouse players.
So, I don't know if the creators of the next Battlefield are reading this Reddit, but I beg you, Put the cross-play only Consoles vs Consoles.
Or at least put a clear and effective system because the one of BF 2024 was rubbish, Xbox players who tried to remove Cross-play know what I'm talking about. If you absolutely have to put this feature, at least do it in a smart way. In BF 2024 you practically divided the players into 4. Because if on Xbox I remove crossplay, then I am separated from PC players, PS5 players and Xbox players who have crossplay active (Is really stupid to be separated event on the same system). In my opinion, the smart way would be that the base game is Console vs Console and if we want we can activate crossplay and join the PC servers too.
For me, if this situation remains the same in the next Battlefield, it's sure that I wouldn't buy the game.