Ben 10 Rewrite Idea

Yes I know it’s been done to death but hear me out. This is going to be extremely long so be prepared. Why? Because I have a lot of ideas, that’s why.

First off, Ben’s aliens.

Ben’s first aliens will be the OG 10- Heatblast, Wildmutt, Diamondhead, XLR8, Grey Matter, Four Arms, Stinkfly, Ripjaws, Upgrade & Ghostfreak. Except as Ben gets older, his aliens will grow with him, becoming stronger. Like Heatblast, who in this rewrite has limited geokinesis, mainly centered around molten rock but can control unmelted rocks, but this power only really comes out when Ben’s a teenager.

The first new aliens Ben will get are Cannonbolt, Hypnophibian, Wildvine, Slapback & Overflow. Before you get angry, Hypnophibian is Somnambulizard renamed because he’s an axolotl, which is an amphibian, not a lizard. He has a somewhat morally ambiguous power, line of sight mind control. Ben is uncomfortable using him but starts to get around using him. Slapback’s cloning powers are also heavily nerfed, being only able to have eight clones at a time. Also renaming him into Smashsplit since while he can clone himself without interference, it requires a lot of effort in order for him to do so, & it gets harder the more copies he has. The best way to clone him is to hit him hard enough, causing him to split & clone, the smaller the clone, the more force it takes to split him, with his back being the most durable part & a hit there requires less force to split him than anywhere else. Overflow is also heavily redesigned & takes inspiration from a fan-made alien coincidentally also named Overflow. Overflow is a small blue crab that can form a body of water & control it, freeze it, boil it, you name it, but he can’t make his own water.

Ben’s third batch of aliens are Xerge, Nighthowl (renamed Blitzwolfer), Tomb King(renamed Snare-oh), Frankenstrike & Upchuck. Xerge sounds like a better name than Surge & instead of a plot device that’s useless without other members of the species, he’s instead a control unit for smaller, simpler & non-sentient versions of himself he can control. The Halloween Trio & Upchuck are basically the same except Upchuck looks like a mix between Murks & Purks, Frankenstrike looks similar to this (, the reason why Ben slowly turned into Nighthowl was because he was Ben‘s first alien he got through scanning & the Omnitrix slowly & painfully turned him into Nighthowl instead of the instantaneous & painless transformations he usually has because it’s a prototype whose scanning function just activated, but it’s a self-upgrading prototype that fixed the issues concerning scanning & the second time Ben uses Tomb King as fights Sublimino, he unintentionally unleashes a curse on the hypnotist, seriously injuring him. Ben doesn’t really like using Tomb King because of it but decides to at least practice with his curses so what happened to Sublimino doesn’t happen again.

Ben’s last set of aliens he gets during this rewrite‘s version of the events of the original series has him get Ditto, Eye Guy (renamed Beholder & has an actual introduction), Shock Rock, Buzzshock, Articgauna, Way Big & Feedback. Ditto has a virtually limitless cloning ability & it only takes a second for him to clone, along with minor shapeshifting abilities, not to the level of Goop, & it’s not until Ben’s a teen does Ditto’s shapeshifting is at it’s full potential, but even then at most Ditto clones can only change their shape if they just cloned or merged back together. Ben‘s surprised at getting Buzzshock, with him getting more hyper & excited in that form, which also gives him greater sympathy for the Megawatts since he knows what it’s like to be one, and he doesn’t lose Feedback, in fact Feedback is the last alien Ben unlocked before deciding to semi-retire from hero work.

Ben’s new batch of aliens after the Omnitrix recalibrates are the Alien Force 10; Swampfire, Echo Echo, Humungousaur, Jetray, Big Chill, Chromastone, Brainstorm, Spidermonkey, Goop & Alien X, renamed Starmaker. Some aliens have a bit of changes, such as Brainstorm having a flesh covering when he opens up his cranium (got the idea from Trilobyte101), Chromastone not being the only Crystalsapien other than Sugilite, Big Chill not having invisibility so he’s not just a Ghostfreak clone with ice powers & Ben’s actually terrified from using Starmaker. It turns out the Celestialsapiens know of futures where they all go extinct, with their only of survival being the Omnitrix, but they are aware of their power, so they made anyone who turned into a Celestialsapien using the Omnitrix would feel extreme fear from it. Ben decides to have Azmuth switch out Starmaker with a different alien, thinking he’s not ready for it. Lodestar is the alien that replaces Starmaker. It’s also noted by other Celestialsapiens that Bellicus & Serena‘s uncooperativeness is unusual & worrying for a teenage Celestialsapien. While Starmaker is unlocked at several points throughout this rewrite, Ben always locks him back up.

Ben‘s new aliens that he gets after getting back all of his original aliens are Rootwing (Highbreed), Rath, Nanomech, Rocks (renamed Stonecrack), Squidstrictor, Water Hazard, Terraspin (becomes Ben’s go to anti-magic alien & he learns how to make anti-magic winds), NRG, Armodrillo, Amphibian (renamed Jellyfritz, the name fits better), Fasttrack (reimagined to be more like an agile combative acrobat & has excellent senses), Eatle (anything he eats he can use as fuel for increased strength & speed or to fire a horn laser that can add mass to objects, basically a laser that can build things), Chamalien (given the ability to emit a bright stunning light from his body & shoot out paralyzing tranquilizer darts out of his tail), Jury Rigg, Clockwork, Mudsplat (Lenopan), Spitter, Snakepit, Sandbox, Shellhead (Cannonbolt’s better at turning while Shellhead’s got more force in his charge), Timewarper (rename of Eon) & Tentasmash (rename of Gax). Ben feels uncomfortable using the last two due to being the species of two of his most powerful enemies.

Ben’s new aliens after getting the finalized Omnitrix are Bloxx (redesigned to not look like a bunch of LEGOs), Gravattack, Crashhopper, Ball Weevil, Walkatrout (the more he walks the stronger he gets, so he’s more of a situational alien), Pesky Dust (actually female because the entire species is female, if you think that‘s weird we have a lizard species that’s all female & they reproduce asexually), Mole-Stache, The Worst (Ben locked this alien again because Atrocians in this rewrite are an entire species of Eric Cartmans), Kickin’ Hawk, Toepick (he has an unsettling shriek, can produce a hallucinogenic gas from his armpits & excrete quickly solidifying toe junk), Astrodactyl (slower than Jetray), Bullfrag, Atomix (humanoid mass of radioactive gas instead of a robot), Gutrot, Whampire (trades out his ability to turn into a bat for the power to create a field of darkness & silence that‘s basically a sensory blackout), Lurk, Terrordactyl, L’Goon (physically weaker than Ripjaws so he’s not just a better Ripjaws), Skele-TON, Braindrain (Ben removed this alien from his playlist because he’s not very smart & he can turn humans into more of him), Bungee Sponge, Skidmarx (slowest but strongest & toughest of the three speedsters, also can generate heat the faster he gets), Crabtastic (Pisciss Premann in this universe), Caveroar (Antrosapien), Mealymouth, Ventrilobrain (redesigned Ventrilosquid that can telepathically transmit voices), Squirtapillar, Funguy, Gurge, Transmutor, Warp, Portaler, Invincible, Shadowman, Stretcheleo, Plantpocalypse & Starmaker (Ben considers himself ready to have Starmaker permanently unlocked).

Now we move on to the lore, and boy this is going to change a lot. For one, Osmosians are aliens, they evolved from genetically altered Neanderthals. Anodites have DNA & are in the Omnitrix, because honestly there’s aliens in the Omnitrix that are just as weird as a being of living magic. Tetrax is not the last of his kind, he actually saved many of his own kind from Petropia’s destruction & asked for punishment by an Antrosapien judge, who decided to simply temporarily exile him from Petropian space in order to help the surviving Petropian peoples survive (not just Petrosapiens, Crystalsapiens & Antrosapiens, but also Basalts, Biot-Savartians & Sandbox’s species), with Sugilite as his handler. When Ben & Tetrax meet, the latter was actually a month away from his exile being over, although he refused to go back to Petropian space until Ben & Sugilite convinced him to go back.

Xylene is also a relatively major character, her species lives longer than humans, but not by much, so she & Max grow old together. Xylene was also Carl & Frank’s stepmom, so both are aware of aliens but try to stay far away from their dad’s world of aliens. Not because they hate aliens, but because Max requested it. They both resent Verdona, their birth mother, because she pretty much abandoned them to be raised by Max & later Xylene when they didn’t turn out to inherit her magical abilities. Verdona wasn’t really malicious, she just grew up in a culture that encouraged this type of behavior & genuinely regrets it. Fun fact, there’s actually two factions of Anodites, a faction that want to regulate how they use magic & are the mainstream society & a rebel faction that want the freedom to do whatever they please. You might think that the Rebel Anodites are the good guys but no, they have no care for what they do, they use their magic irresponsibly & abandon any kids they have that have no magic powers, consider anything non-magical to be inferior & want to genocide any species with anti-magical abilities. The other Anodite faction is very serious about making sure they use their powers responsibly, their rules were somewhat restrictive, hence why the rebel faction formed, but the rules became more reasonable, which just makes the rebels terrorists. The main Anodite faction is not without flaws, but they do not have the major flaws the rebels do.

Another to note is that the whole Rooters revelations are not a thing. Servantis did not implant memories into Kevin & the Helpers, the latter are genuinely half-alien hybrids of Plumbers, who are an Earth-only organization, were supported by the Magistrata, a galaxy-wide police organization. Alan’s father is a mutant Pyronite whose geokinesis was more powerful than average, with Alan actually being a more powerful geokinetic than his dad. He also can’t shift between human form & Pyronite form, he uses an ID Mask. Pierce is also a mutant, not an alien hybrid. Swift & Leander are brainwashed by Servantis with artificial personalities implanted onto them, their brainwashing is reversed after the Rooters are defeated.

Eon also shares the spot as Vilgax in terms of threat level, although Ben does not fight Eon as much as he does Vilgax. Eon’s also not an alternate version of Ben, but there is a Ben that’s permanently stuck as Timewarper, but he’s still a hero.

The Ultimatrix is also never used by Ben. The Ultimate forms are different than in canon. Because the canon Ultimatrix forms are their own characters, acting as Albedo’s reluctant minions. Ultimate Humungousaur is a mutant Vaxasaurian that was stronger & larger than normal & had a metal shell, but couldn’t grow larger & was kidnapped by Albedo & turned into a cyborg implanted with a bomb. Ultimate Swampfire is an old mutant Methanosian whose grandkids are held hostage by Albedo. Ultimate Big Chill is a mutant Necrofriggian that has burning ice powers & her siblings are being held hostage by Albedo. Ultimate Echo Echo is a Sonorosian that’s a prototype of a new generation of her kind, with a bomb implanted in her body (she gives her DNA to Ben for the Omnitrix to sample since Echo Echo got erased in a fight between Ben & Albedo), Ultimate Spidermonkey is actually a creation of Amino’s who Albedo implanted false memories of Ben destroying Aranhascimmia. Ultimate Cannonbolt is a cyborg Arburian Pelarota also implanted with a bomb. Ultimate Wildmutt is a mutant Vulpimancer with enhanced intelligence that wants to give his intelligence to his fellow Vulpimancers but is tricked by Albedo into thinking that Ben & Azmuth would never allow it, although he’s suspicious about Albedo & when he talks to Azmuth, the Galvan reveals he would be perfectly fine with helping him with his goals, being the first Ultimate to betray Albedo.

Ben & Julie also never break up, because the reason why they broke up was stupid & there was literally no reason why they should’ve broken up & just because Kai was the first girl to have Ben’s affections doesn’t mean she’ll automatically be with him in the future.

Also Kai’s not attracted to men in this rewrite so ha!

Back from my rant, a big change is that Ben will not revert into his immature ten-year-old self. It’s fine if he’s immature in the original series because he’s ten in the original series, but he’s fifteen in Alien Force, he matures from then on, in fact he acts more mature than most kids his age because he fights aliens, criminals & a lot more.

In relation to that, we are not going down the route of Omniverse & the reboot, it’s just too comedic, at least the UAF era kept the art style & at least kept the grounded tone of the original series. I’m not saying it should be Ben 10 should be humorless, dark, gritty & edgy, I’m saying that it shouldn’t be some light-hearted cartoony comedy because that sort of thing deviates from the feel of the original series. What made Ben 10 stand out from the other shows of its time was because it was grounded, it had a sense of genuine realism. And I‘m not saying that Omniverse & the reboot were bad, they just didn’t really follow the classic series’s themes.

So please, if you have anything to say about my rewrite idea, put it down below.