Reddit Designs a Character - Day 26: the Nightmare

Hello all! Welcome back to Reddit Designs a Character, where I give you a name for a Clocktower character and you tell me what that character does. Yesterday's character was the Troublemaker and the winning ability was courtesy of u/LilYerrySeinfeld. It reads as follows:

"Troublemaker (Townsfolk): 2 of the Demon's bluffs are in-play characters."

I do think maybe the strongest thing about this is that it can't be effected by droisoning besides being the Drunk, as Minion and Demon info happens at the beginning of night 1. To perform it you could conceivably add "Demons learn bluffs at the end of the first night" or something to give room for them to get poisoned by a Poisoner or Widow. You could also do the change someone else suggested and make it "1-2" instead of 2. Either way I really like the ability, just might be a tad strong.

If you would like to see a sheet of previous winning characters, check day 25's post. Today I want you to create the Nightmare. Top comment wins, happy designing!