Kyle Donut Shade to Kathy

This is the most innocuous thing to notice, but in the last episode, Kyle very publicly displayed Wenchell’s Donuts when they were celebrating Portia’s birthday. Recently, it’s clear that Kathy has a brand deal with Dunkin Donuts. She served them to the women before they left on their trip to the Coast earlier in the season & she’s been including them in her posts on Insta as of late.

Is Kyle throwing shade at Kathy by displaying another donut chain on the show?

This is the most innocuous thing to notice, but in the last episode, Kyle very publicly displayed Wenchell’s Donuts when they were celebrating Portia’s birthday. Recently, it’s clear that Kathy has a brand deal with Dunkin Donuts. She served them to the women before they left on their trip to the Coast earlier in the season & she’s been including them in her posts on Insta as of late.

Is Kyle throwing shade at Kathy by displaying another donut chain on the show?