Musings on where we go from here
After watching the trustee meeting I’ve come away with the opinion that the Bar isn’t going to do anything but shrug their shoulders and say “yea that test sucked… our bad.” Call it a crazy hunch based on the PowerPoint saying the “data” shows everybody is exaggerating bubblicious Mary’s demeanor/reactions and Leah’s oh so generous refunds.
So where do we go from here?
The only way this gets resolved is if the pressure if kept up through the legislature or the media. The SC can’t be bothered to deal with this situation and as we just saw the board are a bunch of smug twits who are planning to just ride this out because they know the SC won’t hold them accountable and for everybody else there’s sovereign immunity to hide behind.
The thing is we need to make this not just about us but about unaccountable and wasteful government writ large.
I’m not trying to minimize what we went through but to the average Joe/Jane a test going wrong for 5000 law students doesn’t even register when people are struggling with layoffs, wild fires, skyrocketing rent, and paying $12/15 for a dozen eggs. How many non law school people have you had to explain this disaster to for the first time? How many legal professionals heard about this for the first time from you?
The more we translate this into general discontent about overpaid unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, about smug elites scoffing at the peasants, the more the general public gets involved. The more they get involved the more the media pays attention because now this story drives more clicks. The more the media gets involved the more the legislature cares because to a legislator media attention on an issue = potential for more votes.
Once the media and the legislature get involved to the point where the money and/or the continued independence of the bar is at stake only then will there be actual accountability starting with the removal of all the board members and trustees who got us to this point.
Regardless of which remedy or remedies you think are best, nobody is getting anything until the state bar truly feels the fear of accountability and/or has their immunity stripped away.
[Edit: fixed some typos, probably created more in the process]