Villa Boys Pasadena

Villa Boys were originally a clique from North Side Pasa that broke off in the 60’s over a female. They are arguably one of the most respected barrios in Pasadena due to the work they have put in and their reputation in the prison system. They have no allies other than the Crips in the SGV(ABC, PRAC, Duroc). When I was coming up in Pasadena a big rumor amongst the Latino community was that the Villa Boys had the best hands out of all the Latino gangs, being as their homebase was Villa Parke(which has a boxing gym) obviously not every member had hands but I will say out of all the barrios in Pasadena I do remember these guys having the best fighters not to mention the fact that they went at it with basically everybody. Present day, they aren’t as deep as they once were due to gentrification, and arrest but they are still around and active.

There’s a lot of dead homies in these photos. RIP to Blacky, Lil Blacky, Bear, Lonely Boy, Flako, Chilo,Lil Gee, Weapon, Dolo, Krimes and anyone else I forgot.

The Last 3 Photos are also of the CFK tagging crew, a deep crew which turned into the KB clique of VBP. They were in Pasa since 88 turned into KB around 93 or 94.