My vet told me to to rehome my cat

I’ve had an ongoing issue between two of my 3 cats- Clover, 2M likes to bully my oldest Honeybee F4. No one has been hurt but honeybee hides and creeps around, and he frequently chases her. I’ve tried pheromones, calming cbd oil, no results. They were best friends for a year but after I got clover neutered he torments her. My confusion is, beyond bullying honeybee, clover is the sweetest cat I’ve ever had. He’s never bit or scratched anyone. I told my vet my concerns and wondered if they provided behavioral services- she said if I tried pheromones, I should just give one of them away. That is the furthest option from my mind and I’m wondering if you guys think I should see a different vet? She didn’t ask me to bring him in and she didn’t ask for more details, she just said to get rid of one of them. I’m feeling stressed and heartbroken. There is definitely an issue but not in such severity where either cat is in danger and needs to leave. Advice appreciated