The Hypocrisy with some Last of Us 2 haters
SPOILERS for last of us 2:
So this isn't to say I'm a fan of the Last of us 2, I don't like the game. I personally feel like after waiting years to see more stories with Joel and Ellie, this game was a huge screw up and overall disappointment. And that's probably the main reason people despise this game, and in that case I understand, I was pissed when I first read the leaks for the game, and I still haven't bought the game since.
Yet theres some people I've heard that have called the game "SJW" trash because the game, idk includes a few trans characters. This here is my main issue with the haters, if this game is SJW trash, for including a couple of trans characters, then isn't it wrong according to these people to include trans or lesbian characters since it'll be, "SJW" trash. So then when can you put in LGBT characters in a game?
I think a lot of this has stemmed from certain critics that praise the game no matter what, saying it's a 10/10 masterpiece, as some of them call the haters of the game sexist bigots and what not, obviously not every person disappointed with the game are like this, as like I've already said, theres plenty of reasons to dislike this game, but when you say in a review, your not transphobic, or homophobic, but you call this game SJW trash, and Abby's a SJW character insert for apparently being trans (despite her not being trans) is when you basically say you can't have LGBTQ characters as important in games because it automatically is SJW propaganda.
The Last of Us 2, is not SJW propaganda, it is first and foremost a story, a poorly told story in my opinion, but still a story. And I almost feel like I have to say for the fifth million time that I don't like this game, since they'll probably be some people that read the title and think I'm a Naughty Dog boot licker, so yeah. That's my rant.