Leaving Life University
Well I’ve about had it here. Some of you may have seen my last post. I’m sorry to say things have only deteriorated in the short time since I last spoke here. I’ve applied to a state school and am looking forward to pursuing this career in the correct fashion.
The “teachers” at this school are an absolute catastrophe. A random assortment of mildly educated science professionals, trying their best to hold it together. If you look at my post history, you’ll see my issues with my chem professor, and that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.
Our physics professor posted our final on Friday, it was dated for September of 2020 so the system wouldn’t let us take it. Then, without warning, we got an email claiming it was due yesterday. Then he just shut-off grading for the quarter. So nobody in the class got the chance to take the final...
I thought it was odd that my chemistry professor kept mentioning and referencing the fact that she was a doctor. It seemed incredibly insecure..... A quick linked search shows she got her “Ph.D” from Life University.... the same school where she teaches kids unbalanced equations and the long route through stoichiometry.... the same school where she’s late for class every day.
I understand that this looks and sounds like a rant or maybe the ramblings of a frustrated student blowing off steam, but It’s not. This is a warning to young students. This school is fucking awful. I’m really hoping a young Chiro enthusiast sees this and understands what’s happening here. This is a very bad school. A very very very bad school. Chiropractic is a great profession but it should not be pursued via Life University. You deserve better.
I can’t thank this community enough for the insight from my last post. I thought I was the crazy one. You guys really helped me see the light. Looking forward to posting something more inspiring and positive a year from now.