Just made this
A little backstory...I am a maintenance director for an assisted living center. About a year ago, I was asked to get some new decor for the community chapel. Later that day when I was praying about what I needed to get for the chapel, God told me, "You will make it". When I asked, "What shall I make?", he responded, "A 6ft cross shall be made". God certainly likes to keep me busy.
I told my boss that I wanted to build a 6ft cross for the chapel, and then we can get little decor to supplement it. After making this, I told my boss I am eternally grateful that I was able to be God's vessel for this project. The residents live there, and that is their home. I feel God wanted them to be treated with something they have probably never seen before. I did not create this...God did. I was simply his vessel, nothing more.
It's been brought up in the past about renovating the chapel into an office...but God says otherwise.
Now, I will be redoing the stain glass, and painting the podium. God certainly moved me on this. This project humbled me, and made me really look at things through a finer glass.
Blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ! Thank you for letting me share this with you.