Truly amazing how wespe is still allowed like this

Brit engineers get 24 hour hot fix lolol and wespe just like l6 stays for months on months. Team games are a disaster right now, nothing worse than outplaying your opponent all game and dominating him only to let wespe spam hit by multiple werh.

Want to dive them with your armor? Lololol get ready for 20 marders or pak wall with mines on narrow ass maps with no room to maneuver.

They have a dak? Even better, Get ready for your dives to be met with loiter spam that even 2 Brit AA trucks parked in Aa mode can't even shoot them down before they get bare minimum 1-2 strafes that rek everything, lots of strategy with that one.

Love watching the wespe laser guided artillery in 1940 chasing my units or direct hitting them and completely wiping them. Precision ability on cool down? No worries just use regular barrage which is best of all arty in the entire game. This game is fucked

No wonder this game is dead