People on Reddit are nuts.

I try to avoid using Reddit for political things, but every time I mistakenly go to the popular page every single post is something that is asinine.

The amount of overreaction to President Trump and Elon Musk is astounding. POTUS is doing exactly what he said he was going to do while running, to the T. He also appointed a guy with a proven record of getting things done to help him slash the budget. Seems smart to me.

At what point are people going to stop using the word Nazi as a synonym to people they don't like? Mostly asking this question because I'm Jewish and people throwing that word around willy nilly pisses me off. The cognitive dissonance is amazing. People throw words around like Nazi, fascist, and dictator without a clue.

Just needed to rant.

Edit: I see all of you Liberals spamming my inbox. Just know I love you too.