White Lily Cookie leaving was her just being a bad friend

EDIT: THIS IS NOT A HATE POST!!!!!!! I'm merely here to discuss so please don't make misleading statements.

Okay I rewatched episode 7 cuz emo Vanilla damn but like now that I rewatched it, WL is even more of a jerk....PV went to spire to get a beast sealing ritual in the first place, something WL was desperate of and was pulling all nighters for her

Even before departing, she says she has had only things in mind, her new guardian power and beast ritual and her ultimate goal being defeating beasts and dark Enchantress.

So why would she part ways after that "manipulative" riddle??? PV and her goal literally align as they are there for that big first step to SEAL the beast

It's even worse 💀

Cuz their goals aren't off the page, they are in the same page

It's almost like WL is saying "you get the spell in the territory of a dangerous beast who we both know has got their body back and can crumble you AND has been targeting you but I need to practice my magic yk? Do bring the spell tho cuz I need that for defeating them"

She should've stayed then as it makes sense especially since they both know SM is now actually there and PV even says to her that SM got back his body so he's active. The thing is, WL knew they are going in a territory where a beast is active in its physical form and is a very dangerous one at that, who would target her childhood friend, might even crumble him to get his soul jam but she just....left.

This is beyond "she trusts PV will be alright on his own".

She's practically abandoning her childhood best friend at death's door.

She even leaves Gingerbrave and others with him because she KNOWS it'll be dangerous for him alone while ALSO knowing, they are literal kids with no ability to protect him.

She even saw the prophecy from Fortune Teller cookie, saw her friend get attacked when he was taken advantage of his kindness but still left.

WL's action just makes no sense and feels like a plot device to just isolate PV as Writers need him to face development alone.

But from an in-universe stand point, it makes zero sense.

PV is quite literally a saint for forgiving her for destroying his kingdom + 90% of his subjects and constantly agree with her abandonment of him and dismissing it "her just being distant" but this is her just being a shit friend.

Furthermore, it solidifies GC's stance towards her of no contact as she is in more touch with her emotions and doesn't really lie to herself about her feelings like PV who lies to himself to repress his pain and not share it with others by putting himself as secondary always.

This is even pointed by SM as he states that PV lies to himself a lot and doesn't accept the bitter truth.

I don't know about yall but if this was my friend, I would straight up cut out friendship forever or go full on no contact cuz this isn't healthy or normal. WL needs to learn that you can't always put your own needs first and be alone.

It was because of her own selfish desire that DE was even born and she still continues to do it.

Before any of you say, "She just woke up". Guys....no. it's been a while and it's implied heavily in Episode 7 as it's shown they are constantly researching magic spells and what not.

I feel like the writers screwed up and ultimately, it's gonna heavily impact her character.

If I was the writer and needed PV alone instead of making WL a shit friend, I would have just made SM make his goons attack Fairie Kingdom so even if WL wanted to go with PV, she can't and they eventually decide upon WL staying and defending while PV and co. visit the spire for finding answers and the story remains as it is.

Cuz what we have rn is just bad writing at its finest. No story has to be perfect but all you gotta do is not butcher characters.