Deathwing Alternative
I had this idea (mostly because I hate painting deathwing, it looks like a 1980's answering machine in a garage sale after a chain smoker dies).
I'm doing blend of corvus black and lupercal green for my greenwing as a base coat, with lupercal green highlights. (its very dark and very damn pretty)
I was thinking of doing the deathwing knights without the lupercal green layer (making them darker), and only doing the bone look on the shields. This would give an easy representation that it was deathwing. I'm thinking for my brutalis dreadnoughts the same, and taking the extra DW knights shields from the boxes and putting those on the dreadnought shoulder pads painted in bone (to signify deathwing).
Terminator is black priner. Next is with 90/10 corvus and sons of horus. Next is a base of lupercal playing on airbrush. Next is drybrushing lupercal. Notice the shield on the brutallis