Social media lied to you, stop being fooled.

One of the top posts on here is a guy depressed that his trading is failing and he is seeing people on social media making "20k a month" reliably.

You are literally being lied to you, you are comparing yourself to fantasy. 99% of the people on twitter are scamming you. They know you are at your lowest and they play on that so you buy their course because you are so desperate.

Stop falling for this shit. They get exposed everyday, please wake up man.

It's so depressing to read posts like that and knowing evil disgusting people are profiting off people at their lowest just trying to make a living.

If you want to follow a real trader and see how they think Tom Hoguard is a proven succesful trader with a free telegram channel who charges NOTHING.

Get off social media you were played.

A 19 YEAR OLD ISN'T TEACHING YOU ANYTHING. This is a CHILD he was learning about Martin Luther King last year, please stop comparing yourself to PAPER.
