Xanax is a shit drug (so far)

(Long post)I have genuine bad anxiety, like extremely bad, and I’ve been planning on seeing what my psychiatrist thought about something even if it’s not a benzo, but that’s not the reason I bought these xans 😂

I occasionally use opiates and knew it wasn’t really similar to them but that’s the only other downer I’ve tried. I don’t really care for my addy and vyvanse, they cause too much anxiety. So I just decided ‘fuck it’ and wanted to try out Xanax.

It’s been 45 minutes after kicking in, and I have complete mental clarity, but my coordination isn’t as good as it was. And there’s only a slight body high which is pretty nice. I also feel a bit careless; before rethinking my decision, I almost just left the pills out in the open right next to me, where anybody could see them lol.

I guess that’s what Benzodiazepines are supposed to be 😂 but with how much culture there is around bartards and Xanax in particular I thought they’d be more enjoyable recreationally.

Im really wanting to take another 1mg but I also don’t want to end up in a jail cell or burning bridges with anybody. So I suppose this will be more of a drug to take in combination with others typa thing. That’ll keep me from wd’s too.

The next substance on my list to try soon is MDMA, and I can keep these xans as ‘landing gear’ for that and my stims, maybe also to extend how long my oxy stash lasts when I have one, and maybe to soften the edges on my stimulants. So many possibilities haha.

I just decided to take 1,200mg of Gabapentin on top, maybe it’ll potentiate, but if not at least I’ll have some euphoria. It’s crazy Gabapentin is schedule V while Xanax is schedule IV, as I think Gabapentin has way more recreational value. And not to mention stims being schedule II, I’d say they should be schedule III tbh, but I don’t find very much rec value in those either. Only use them for my ADHD, I’m just not an upper person I guess. But anyways, after the weed and Gabapentin I’m in a better spot. I will say, it’s really strange feeling drunk in a way physically and not mentally.

[TL;DR-] I, without a tolerance, took 1mg Alprazolam (Ksalol/Galenika if that matters) and felt slightly slow, heavy, and tired but with complete mental clarity. I needed Gabapentin and weed to stop wanting another pill… because we all know how that goes 🤣