Knowing what you know now, If you have another baby, what would you do differently?

Just wanna hear everybody’s regrets.

I didnt know much about breastfeeding/pumping before giving birth and didn’t attend any lactation classes.. In my country, all the lactation consultants advise not to pump in the first month of postpartum, so i didn’t get into any pumping routine in the first few weeks. I was direct feeding my LO (in so much pain), some days i pumped some days i dont pump at all so it wasnt consistent. I stopped direct feeding at 3wPP bc LO wasnt gaining weight, was cluster feeding and my mental health was plummeting. I pumped ~12-15oz in the beginning and had to supplement with formula. So i had to get into a routine, power pumping and all to up my supply… I supplemented formula for 2-3 weeks then was thankfully making enough for LO.

But for my future second child, i’d nurse then pump after. I’d rather have an oversupply, esp now that i know how to detect clogged ducts early, how to relieve them etc