Maybe my son is telling me to quit pumping

So I’m not sure what’s happening rn but my 3.5 month old is absolutely not taking my breastmilk as of yesterday evening. He’s gagging, screaming and crying at the bottle. I asked on the BF sub and one person said maybe it’s due to my period cause my first pp period started this week. That made sense but also I switched nipple balms literally this week too. So I’m gonna be doing some trial and errors to figure out why my son isn’t taking my milk atm.

I’m at the point where I really want to quit but even when I want to wean off my breasts really hurt 3 hour intervals on the dot so I have to pump. And as we all know the more consistently we pump the supply increases/maintains. My son hates being nursed so that ship has sailed long ago and I’m so stressed out pumping all the dang time. And today I wasted about 5 oz of my milk cause he wouldn’t continue to take the bottle. It’s just so discouraging and it’s making me think that maybe he’s helping me wean off. He’s been totally content drinking formula all day today. Idk. Idk the point of this point. If you made it to this point, thank you for listening 🙏🏻