beat FF7 rebirth, jumped into FFXVI. Big mistake.

I played the OG FF7 back in the day, and now when I finally got around to rebirth, it was a great re-envisioning of the game. Sure there were some issues, but the game stuck to the core of what made FF7 great. One of the things I didn't like was how they neutered Cid, but beyond that, solid A for a remake.

So, I was high on the FF7 rebirth goodness, and decided to try FFXVI. Big mistake. Anyone else find the dialogue meandering and the pacing horrible?

The summon fights are great and that's what pushed me through the slog of boring dialogue up to a point. I dread even trying to play any further and I'm level 22 at the moment. How does a mainstream FF game get pacing so horrible and dialogue that's utterly inconsequential? It's as if some hobbyist writer got the go on writing the script. I don't I'll be finishing this one any time soon, as opposed to FF7r that I binged right through.