My thoughts about the new fisch update (so far)
Disclaimer: this is obviously my opinion and i'm probably just whining but I thought I would share anyways
So far i’ve only gotten up to the part where the fish are guarding (forget what the area is called) but so far I haven’t rlly enjoyed this update
I won’t talk about any nerfs (RIP grand reef, atlantean storm and the artic rod) because i’m more of a casual player and i’m not aiming to be the most efficient or the highest level
but my problems so far is how tedious it feels. Finding the submarine parts on roslit isn’t the hardest thing in the world but once you do make the submarine, it’s big, clunky and not the easiest to control. Yeah submarines are big but I feel like it could’ve been made a little smaller, it’s not like this is real life or anything and i’m sure there are plenty of small submarines. For the control part, this might just be me but the keys to ascend and descend just feel in the way when you are also trying to move and steer the submarine so you end up running into things a lot trying to get down the already long tunnel. This is probably just a me complaint though so don’t take this as criticism of the overall update
When you get down to the first area you have to get all the materials to upgrade your submarine and go deeper. Not bad so far, the lava stone took a second to get but not a problem. Then you have to find the fishing spot which doesn’t seem far but combined with the walk speed and no way to sprint in the game, it becomes a journey. Also no merchant to sell stuff and atleast for me my inventory is full and disorganized enough, it would be nice to have the merchant there and I don’t see why he can’t be there that dude is everywhere
Anyways you start fishing and the only fish I really had a struggle with was the inferno hide. That did not feel like a common fish especially considering the first few fish I caught one was the mythical. It just made the grind longer + you can literally overheat down there but atleast you can set your spawn and there is a portal to get back to the surface and the heat meter goes down pretty slowly
so far the volcano part was the easiest bit imo. Then you move onto the artic area
It’s basically the same grind as the lava area but my main problem is the cold meter
now for the people who have been playing a while or have done the northern expedition, this isn’t a problem you already have the winter cloak but for me, I only started playing fisch a week ago and I had to leave and do the northern expedition thing until I could buy the winter cloak which was also hard to do because by the time you make it up the area you get the cloak from your about to die from the cold!
I feel like the winter cloak or something like it should’ve been something you could purchase down there because it’s basically necessary. Maybe that’s too much to ask, idk
Then you get to the next part, which is already a long slow drive + how ridiculously dark this game is and you have to distract the fish to get past them. But why do you need either an orca or a kraken?? Fish that rarely spawn? I’m sure you could get past them without but come one now, maybe it should've been a fish you had already caught in the artic or volcano area, not fish that you have to wait for them to spawn
Now I don’t have the kraken pool open yet (because that’s another tedious process) so basically I would have to pray and orca migration happens and then pray I actually catch one! Like come on
that’s how far i’ve gotten, so I can’t comment further but I guess the main takeaway is that so far this update is tedious and not casual friendly. If you like to grind, awesome keep doing you but a lot of people I would say are just casual players like me who just are here to have fun and do cool stuff and level up when they level up (Also doesn’t help that i’m raw dogging adhd but that’s besides the point)
I’m not trying to hate either, I love fisch but like most roblox games a lot of it has just become another boring grind loop
Anyways, that’s just my opinions so far. Feel free to add on and complain with me. I hope it's gets better in the future but for now I will be skipping it