Chica Fun Facts[Faz E. Fun Corp]
In my au for a very short period after the opening of freddy’s pizza Chica’s cupcake “Carl” was a separate puppet model from the Chica Animatronic. So on the opening week which the public nick named “The Fazbear Frenzy” there was an incident with her, The Cupcake fell on a kid that was on stage and almost put them into a coma but luckily they only suffered minor injuries and is one of the more obscure incidents on that frightful week.
In my au for a very short period after the opening of freddy’s pizza Chica’s cupcake “Carl” was a separate puppet model from the Chica Animatronic. So on the opening week which the public nick named “The Fazbear Frenzy” there was an incident with her, The Cupcake fell on a kid that was on stage and almost put them into a coma but luckily they only suffered minor injuries and is one of the more obscure incidents on that frightful week.