Learning Discipline

This lesson may be learned much sooner by others or even without involving much of a loss dollar wise. However, this a a detrimental lesson to learn if you are looking to pursue live trading on any scale. I’ve began my journey back in August 2024 and I’ve learned so much even about myself while trading. I’ve attempted funding challenges which I have failed and I understand now that when trading on a live account there is so much that you have to take into account regarding your own psychology. I’ve put a stop to live trades since December 2024 after losses in the near amounts of over $3,000 that I know I could have prevented without simply over trading. As of this month/new year I am back to paper trading and setting a plan for myself going forward to become profitable. Just a minor setback for a major comeback!!

If anyone would like to show support to help recover some losses by shopping my clothing brand “BrainStorm Apparel” at www.bsapprl.com

Thank you in advance. Attached are the paper trades I took Monday Jan 20th 2025 and today Wednesday Jan 22nd 2025.

This lesson may be learned much sooner by others or even without involving much of a loss dollar wise. However, this a a detrimental lesson to learn if you are looking to pursue live trading on any scale. I’ve began my journey back in August 2024 and I’ve learned so much even about myself while trading. I’ve attempted funding challenges which I have failed and I understand now that when trading on a live account there is so much that you have to take into account regarding your own psychology. I’ve put a stop to live trades since December 2024 after losses in the near amounts of over $3,000 that I know I could have prevented without simply over trading. As of this month/new year I am back to paper trading and setting a plan for myself going forward to become profitable. Just a minor setback for a major comeback!!

If anyone would like to show support to help recover some losses by shopping my clothing brand “BrainStorm Apparel” at www.bsapprl.com

Thank you in advance. Attached are the paper trades I took Monday Jan 20th 2025 and today Wednesday Jan 22nd 2025.