Could Really Use Some Positive Stories

I feel so down about my situation right now. Back in August I woke up with slight acid reflux, and it’s just gotten progressively worse ever since. My entire rib cage and stomach area feel tight, inflamed, and irritated. I’m constantly feeling a ball in the back of my throat/occasional reflux. My doctor has me on 20 mg of Omeprazole, and it does nothing. I had an abdominal ultrasound and it’s all clear.

I love to run, but within the last week now I’ve noticed my acid reflux gets worse with it. Running kept me sane, and now it feels like I’ve got nothing left (dramatic? Maybe. That’s just where I’m at right now). It’s like I can’t get a deep breath, and my abdomen is so tight.

I’m worried this is a hiatal hernia and I’m doomed. I would love to hear stories about how others dealt with this and have come out on the other side.