Anyone else sick of hearing about Grimes' ex?

I am so sick of him constantly being brought into any and every Grimes discussion. I understand he is relevant to her life because they share children, but I wish we could appreciate/discuss her art without her past partner constantly overtaking the conversation. I have my own (v negative)opinions on the man but holy shit it seems like everyone, especially her fans are obsessed with talking about him and judging her for his actions.

Maybe I am sensitive because I have had past partners change completely while we were together. I know firsthand how shameful and embarrassing it is after seperating to have someone remind me of how I allowed them to change me while we were together, or how I used to defend them. My ex is nowhere close to Grimes' ex in relevancey, so I can't fathom how Grimes feels. I feel like if Grimes has moved on then so should we.