Pregnancy of unknown location (pul)

Im 26dpt after a FET. Beta started low and didn’t double right away. Then doubled

8dpt 48. 10dpt 65. 12apt 82, 15 dpt 154, 17dpt 320, 19 dpt 807, 24 dpt 5023, and 26 dpt 8000.

22 dpt and 24 dpt ultrasound showed tiny amount of fluid in the uterus no yolk no fetal pole. Since it’s so tiny for age they think there’s a possibility it’s a pseudosac. Hence the pregnancy of undefined location. But it’s not viable. They have not been able to find anything in my tubes or ovaries. Ultrasound tech checked and checked it hurt so bad.

Monday I go for a confirmation ultrasound. Since my hcg is still rising. So after ultrasound if nothing has changed they will do a biopsy of the tissue in my uterus. The nonviable embryo in the uterus I guess is the best case scenario at this point. They will try to make me take methotrexate if the tissue is inconclusive of a uterine pregnancy. I’m not sure thats enough proof to take methotrexate. If they can’t actually show me where it is. It’s coming up on winter and I don’t want to blast my immune response to fight off colds and flus. Plus the 3 month wait before doing another transfer or ivf. Has anybody had any bad side effects from it??