Stellarite gone

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if there was a fine print I missed.I have the game on two phones, an Samsung A71 and a Samsung Galaxy Flip 4, I usually have no problem switching between devices and all my game activity including diamonds, gems, and stellarite remain the same. Today I log in on the A71 and notice my 400+ Stellarite are gone. I only noticed cause I went to purchase the weekly gains since mine expires tomorrow. Since I usuallly ignore my stellarite count since I save it up, I thought maybe I'm mistaken and it just doesnt transfer between devices but when I went on my Flip 4 they were still gone. now I only have 60 when I should have close to 500. Does anyone know why this may have happened? I havent reported it yet since I'm not sure if its a glitch or a mechanism I just didn't know about. LIke are the Stellarite we get from the monthly and weekly gains purchases timed or something?