Conservative Jew, feeling "left out" among Modern Orthodox

I grew up in a typical Conservative Jewish household. Shomer shabbos to a point, kosher kitchen but we'd still eat treyf beef or chicken here and there. Went to Sunday school, knew enough Hebrew to get through my Bar Mitzvah and then some. For a while I felt that was a pretty good Jewish upbringing.

I've begun to interact a lot more with the Jewish community around me now that I've moved back home for work (previously had a job in an area with very few Jews), and I've started to feel more inclined towards Modern Orthodox shuls - partially because they tend to host a lot more events for 20 somethings. But I feel so "lost" in their world from a cultural aspect, and to a degree a spiritual one.

I didn't know what frum meant until last year. I don't know all the Yeshivish terminology for things I just called Jewish customs or Jewish traditions. I don't know their tunes for benching or prayer. I'm not used to all the concept of negiah, even if the MO shuls near me don't care too much about it. I haven't studied even a page of the Talmud. I don't just feel like a less religious Jew, sometimes I wonder if my upbringing was even Jewish at all compared to them.

I know I can change to fit in with them, or feel less awkward but I still feel like an imposter just by not knowing all these cultural/social parts of Modern Orthodox.