Guide: Transfer save files from EGS to Steam version

Hi y´all.

if you want to transfer your EGS save game to the Steam version of the game:

  • Get the KingdomSaveEditor
  • Get your EGS save data (located in: documents/KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX\Epic Games Store\[id])
  1. Start a new game in the Steam version of the game (KH1 Final Mix for example) and play until you can save for the first time.
  2. Open the EGS save in the KingdomSaveEditor
  3. Select the save slot you want to transfer
  4. Hit the "Export" button
  5. Select the location you want to save the export to (is save as a .bin)
  6. Go back to the KingdomSaveEditor and open the save file of the Steam version (located in: documents\My Games\KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX\Steam\76561198055052417)
  7. Select the save slot you saved to
  8. Hit the "Import" Button
  9. Select the .bin save file you created in step 5
  10. Start the game

This has worked for me for Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
The only downside i found is that the time played is not displayed properly (i dont care for it tho)

Hope i could help you :)

Make sure to export and import the matching sys files for the save slots of KH1.
KH2 and Re:Com seem to have only one sys file for all save slots.
This fixes the "play time issue" i had earlier.

Thank you u/Joamjoamjoam for clarifying :)