Strange brain zaps on Nardil but not withdrawing

I am on 45mg Nardil and for the last couple of days I have been having brain zaps when I move my eyes but I haven’t missed any doses. As a test this morning I took an extra tablet just to see if maybe it’s my tablets have degraded so taking another could combat this. However this didn’t work and still have the same brain zaps with the extra tablet.

The only thing that has changed in the last 8-10 days is I had surgery last week with general anaesthetic and following that I took codeine that was prescribed to me. Probably worked out at around 180-200mg per day on average. With just ibuprofen as well.

Could there be a link between taking the codeine daily, then stopping and the brain zaps? Or if it interacted with Nardil. I am no longer taking the codeine as the ibuprofen is doing the job by itself but it’s the only thing I can think that’s changed

Thanks all