The Masked Dancer Simplified (best masks, team combos, etc).
Note: Post contains minor archetype related spoilers. Also a few character related spoilers are covered.
I feel the Masked Dancer lineage is a bit underrated or at least underutilized (beyond Masquerade Charge) so I decided to whip up this mini-guide to put some more respect on the name. In this post I’m going to go over the Masked Dancer, Persona Master, and Royal Masked Dancer’s base kits, highlight some of the better masks, as well as highlight their end-game damage potential.
If you have anything to add to the conversation, let me know!
- Infernal Vortex applies Burn really well.
- Burn is roughly a 30% damage boost to subsequent attacks.
- The lineage has strong synthesis/team combos across the board.
- Notably with Commander, Summoner, Warrior, Thief, and Knight lineages, and Soul Hacker.
- Dragon’s Temple enables Masked Dancer’s base kit really well, due to the fire and Danse Macabre vulnerable enemies.
- Magic Seeker, General, Faker, Cleric, and Wizard are some of the stronger early-game masks to grab.
- Dark Knight’s Mask and the Queen’s Sequin Fan are useful for the Dragon Trials.
- Persona Master has additional synergy with the Paladin, Savior, Dragoon, Wizard, and Elementalist archetypes.
- Masquerade Charge is very pog.
- Royal Masked Dancer overall needs no explanation.
- Royal Masked Dancer can match Royal Summoner’s damage output in many scenarios.
- Mostly scenarios where Royal Summoner isn’t using Overlord’s Sash.
Masked Dancer
The Masked Dancer base kit feels like the archetype most people are uncomfortable about. It can only apply weakness through synthesis, which cuts into the action economy maths a bit, and it doesn’t have Masquerade Charge. Despite that, it’s a great attacker in its own right (rather than pure support) and at the point you get it, in a fresh game, having Mask access is at its most powerful.
Starting with Masked Dancer’s base kit, we have their attack Infernal Vortex. Unlike nearly all other status affliction skills Infernal Vortex has a 50% chance to apply its status ailment (opposed to 30-40%, not including vulnerability/resistance). With Art of Dance, this increases to 65%. Given that Burn is effectively a 30% damage increase for all subsequent damage, it is a pretty friendly status ailment to happen to tack on while dishing out damage.
When it comes to enemies that are vulnerable to Burn (generally, enemies weak to fire), Infernal Vortex + Art of Dance puts them at ~98% chance. If you were to use something else, like Fiery Strike or Summon Gargoyle, those Burn vulnerable enemies would be at 60%.
Now I’m not saying “use Masked Dancer instead of Commander or Summoner in Fire-weak dungeons.” I’m merely highlighting how well they can contribute to dealing damage. When it comes to the business of tackling a Fire-weak dungeon though, Masked Dancer is a lineage required for Commander/General’s Blusterblast Maneuver and Summoner’s Summon Dragon God. Either synthesis could also be covered by a Mage, but Masked Dancer’s Burn helping ramp up damage on thicker enemies, their ability to apply AoE weakness for fire neutral/resistant/absorbing for trash pack clearing, and their access to masks gives them a unique edge.
On the topic of “synthesis that Masked Dancer enables that Mage doesn’t”, we also have Peerless Stonecleaver, both of Assassin’s synthesis, Crusader’s and Mage Knight’s Hammer, Thunder Fang, and Trial of the Seeker. I feel it’s important to mention that I’m not saying “the Mage lineage is bad, use Masked Dancer instead” I’m merely highlighting the advantages Masked Dancer brings to the table. Like, “If you think Masked Dancer is meh but Wizard is solid, well here’s why Masked Dancer is as solid as Wizard.”
For the remainder of Masked Dancer’s kit, we have Crimson Flame and Danse Macabre. Crimson Flame is a solid, heavy AoE, Fire attack. If I we are trash pack clearing, I’d probably rather use Dragon God or Blusterblast, but it is a nice additional tool to their kit.
For Danse Macabre, the game doesn’t make it clear which enemies have immunity to OHKO effects; however, you could reasonably have a 52% chance to OHKO things with it. Most things that are Dark-vulnerable are OHKO weak, so >78% chance. The Mageleaf Alento (purple tree, seen often in Dragon’s Temple) is OHKO neutral and usually has moths with it (dark-weak), so that dungeon has reasonable opportunities for Danse Macabre. The other Alentos are resistant, so ~26%, but they are fire-vulnerable (burn time)- all in all, the Dragon Temple is a great place for the Masked Dancer.
Just because these guys were a thorn in my side, I want to highlight that the big bad kitty cats (Manjulas) are OHKO immune :c
The Masks
The biggest benefit to masks in non-NG+ playthroughs is that they enable some of the most powerful skills from archetypes that you’re nowhere near level 20 on, or have no desire to level 20 and inherit the skill for. They can also have tech use in some of the Dragon boss fights.
Of all the masks, these ones stood out the most to me in my playthrough:
Magic Seeker: +2 Atk/Def buff, Medium Wind attack
- Maybe less impactful if you actually used the lineage, but I didn’t jive well with Seekers in my playthrough.
- iirc there were some wind-vulnerable dungeons after unlocking Masked Dancer, so Magic Seeker came at just the right time for me too.
General: Megido, team Atk buff, Frigid Fortress Tactic
- For most players, Stohl winds up as their General. Both Junah and the Masked Dancer lineage have loads of Magic compared to him, to better use General’s big spells.
- Also, 2 Generals > 1 General amirite? Being able to spam Megido or loop FFT without actually having to build another General is convenient. That, and Masked Dancer enables Blusterblast.
Warlord: Megidola, team Hit/Evasion buff, AoE wind attack
- Mostly an easy source of Heavy AoE almighty damage.
Faker: Faker’s Roguery, repel effect, enemy buff removal
- 40% forget from Roguery is now 52%
- Or 12% is ~16% in case of resistance
- Why not just be Faker? Synthesis combos. Sometimes you’ll want Faker, sometimes you’ll want Masked Dancer.
- Why not just inherit Roguery? Are we also inheriting the buff removal and barrier?
Any Mage/Healer line & Mind: Same as Faker- you get the same kit, but different synthesis options for the team.
Dark Knight: Instant Recovery
- This is more of a tech-piece for Royal Masked Dancer in some of the Dragon fights.
I’m sure other Masks have their moments, especially if you’re using a physical Masked Dancer. If you found any that gave you a lot of utility, give them a shoutout in the comments.
Persona Master
Persona Master frees itself from having to use synthesis to apply weakness. The awkward part is that it’s single target only (outside of synthesis). Still, Persona Master could kick off a Crusader’s Hammer and/or Divine Punishment loop, and they are involved in Magic Knight’s Hammer, Thunder Fang, and Skyfall Bolt synthesis.
Ruin’s Flameflower trades the consistency of Dekaja or Amnesty Talisman, for some extra damage. If the enemy is vulnerable to fire, the extra turn is appreciated. All in all, Ruin’s Flameflower is a convenient tech piece on their base kit.
Of course, the biggest thing Persona Master brings to the table is Masquerade Charge. Weakness is only a 1.5x modifier, while Charge effects are 2.25x (and can stack with crit/weakness). I figure most people reading this know Charge is good, but if you were unaware- Charge is really good. It's so good that Utilitarian's Manual often out-values any Mask or anything else in their accessory slot.
Royal Masked Dancer
I don’t think anyone has much to complain about when it comes to Royal Masked Dancer. They have AoE weakness application for a single turn icon. A good amount of my end-game battles were just Hellfire Dance followed by Royal Summoner nuking.
If Magic Surge and Junah’s higher Magic stat are making you wonder if Royal Masked Dancer does magic damage better than Royal Summoner, I calc’d out Junah with Megidola and Heroine's Fan and Eupha with Summon Tyrant and Mystic Crosier (along with full damage boosts from inherited passives). In general, Summon Tyrant comes out ~2-3% ahead.
If AoE isn’t a concern, using the Warlock Mask gives access to Hyper. Hyper + Mudodyne would be ~9-10% ahead of 2 Tyrants. However, Royal Summoner has the option to use the Overlord’s Sash to quash the argument entirely (2 OS Tyrants is ~50% stronger than Hyper + Mudodyne).
All in all, Royal Masked Dancer and Royal Summoner are fairly equal in damage dealing, itemization depending. Only the Overlord’s Sash really puts Royal Summoner ahead in a big way.
Queen’s Sequin Fan
One of the Dragon Trials bosses uses an AoE Charm attack. Queen's Sequin Fan is a unique weapon that nullifies Charm. Make sure to pick it up for a slightly easier experience vs that Dragon (unless you’re cheesing/one-shotting). If you didn’t happen upon it, you can buy it in Grand Trad after 9/25.
Wrap Up
I hope this post does the Masked Dancer lineage some justice and maybe taught you a few new things about the game. The lineage doesn’t have to be anything more than a weakness/charge bot, but it absolutely can be too. If you have anything to add to the conversation, let me know.