My friend keeps telling me I'm gender fluid but I don't wanna be gender fluid.

Hello I'm a trans girl and I've been identifying as such for a long time. Today I was telling my friend about how I was starting a death metal band. I moved to Canada. She pointed out that that's very masculine and when I'm around girls I tend to be very feminine and when I'm around guys I tend to be more masculine. She told me I was genderfluid and I told her no I'm not. That's just how I act. She called me an egg and stopped referring to me by my she her pronouns and keeps referring to me by they then pronouns. I keep telling her to stop but she won't.

I told her that there are plenty of cis female death metal vocalists,guitarrists,bassists, and drummers and their still girls but she told me that transgirls have to be feminine.

After looking up why I act masculine around guys and feminine around girls. The result was that I'm gender fluid. I don't wanna be gender fluid. I like being a girl. The feeling of being called a girl just really touches my heart and I worked so hard for the title.

Am I just an egg? Am I really gender fluid? If I am, please tell me. I would rather know now than having my egg crack later.

my friend is also trans herself.