How to stop feeling jealous of others success

I don’t want to make this long and I know this is going to sound bad. I am envious of others success because I can’t achieve it myself.

There is a kafir at my workplace who as a second job, she does hair and beauty work and earns money. She also has her boyfriends mum who works in the same industry and she gives her advice on how to be a good beautician. So she basically has it handed to her. Whereas me, I’m also trying to get into hair and beauty on the side (coincidentally), however, I don’t have any help. I feel frustrated when she tells me of her successes because I want to experience that. I know what you are thinking, Allah is the only help. Yes, this is true, I have prayed many times for assistance but to no avail. I feel like a massive failure because Ive been trying to get into this industry for 2-3 years, and to hear someone has an easy route is really annoying. I feel like it’s not destined for me which is hard to accept because its my dream. yes this dunya is not eternal but I’m allowed to have dreams and goals