How a sister saved her marriage.

This sister is my home tutor's(female) sister. My tutor's sister was never that religious. She used work at a tech company before marriage. She was still working after marriage but she left her job when she had her son. This sister was also in a relationship with a guy previously. Her ex caused her a lot of problems. Later, her father found her husband for her.

This sister's marriage was so and so at the beginning. But it was getting rough day by day as her husband was gradually getting hostile towards her. Her husband was fine at the beginning of the marriage but his behaviour kept changing day by day. He would yell at her, throw and break things at home, he would leave her at her parents home for days would'nt even want to bring her home. Beside the verbal and emotional abuse he even tried to do harm her physically. Then there was this woman in his office with whom he was taking preparation for IELTS. At first the plan was that, he would go to the mock tests and classes with his wife but later on he started going to classes with this woman. He would even tell everyone that he will go overseas with this woman and take his wife and son later.

You can say that their marriage literelly lost every hope of surviving.

So, how did the situation changed?

The sister took the first step to save her marriage. She went to an Imam and explained her husband's behaviour. The Imam told her that someone had done sihr on her husband to break their marriage. The sister was not a practicing muslimah. As a solution the Imam told her to be more practicing as Allah's protection is the only protection form such evil forces. Also gave her a list of adhkar to do morning and evening.

The sister became very practicing since then and was doing all the adhkar she was told to do. Alhamdulillah. By Allah's miracle and mercy her husband started changing. Her husband suddenly became friends with a religious man. By his influence he also became very religious. He started praying 5 times a day, started growing beard, started gaining knowledge about Islam, also his love and sincerity towards his family increased miraculously in just a few months. He loves his son a lot more than before now (Allahumma barik laha). My tutor was telling me that now a days he is trying to learn quran and improve his tajweed. He has appointed an ustadh to teach him tajweed. He was even telling his wife to wear burkha. His wife came to our city to visit her sister, she doesn't want to wear burkha but also doesn't want to ruin her husband's positive changes and cause problems in her family (Subhanalllah). He got so happy when he heard she was looking for burkha in the shopping centres here. He was also sending her pictures showing her that his beard has got some white hairs and he was talking so nicely with her. My tutor was saying her brother in law now treats her sister in a very loving manner (literelly the person who was abusing her a few months back). He says that he is going to take all his money and savings out of bank as riba is haram and he will look for halal alternatives (Subhanallah. You people have no idea how common taking usury from bank is in our country, though it is a muslim majority country. A man who doesn't take riba is rare. Even people praying 5 times a day, keeping beard takes riba. You have to understand how deep his decision of not taking riba is. It is really sign of true sincerity towards Allah.)

This sister was asking her husband if he still plans to go overseas. Her husband says for now his plan is to master tajweed then buy a land.

I can't explain how happy I was when I heard about this man. Even if you are practicing such stories, such incidents that you hear or happens in front of you makes your Iman stronger, makes your taqwa stronger, makes you feel like praising Allah more, relying on him more, makes you feel like bettering yourself more in terms of religiousness.

Let's look at some takes from this incidents.

  1. Sins will deffinitely create temporary or even permanent damages in your life. Zina is the one of the most horrible ones. The punishment of zina will come to your life in any way any time. My tutor married her bf of 7 years. It hasn't been even 2 years of their marriage and their marriage is on the verge of divorce already. My tutor's sister understood her past mistake. She made tawba and asked allah to save her marriage. She herself was saying the problems she faced was a punishment for her past sins. She wasn't also very practicing in the past. My tutor was saying she was suggesting her to make tawba to allah and to be more practicing to save her marriage.

  2. There is no way of being a better version of yourself without submitting yourself to Allah. The best people in this world, you think about the prophets, our mothers, the women praised in the Quran, the sahabas, all of them were the most submitting slaves of Allah. Even currantly, undoubtedly the best man in this world is a slave of Allah, also the best woman in this world is a female slave of Allah. You don't have to do a survey on this.

  3. Allah is the most merciful. He(swt)'s mercy is beyond our imagination. He(swt) never turns away a begger who is seeking help amd guidance from him. You take one step towards him, he(Swt) will take 10 steps towards you. It is a promise from Allah himself. So never lose your hope from Allah's mercy no matter what sin you have committed. Repent to Allah(Swt) and the best repentance is when you leave the sin completely for the sake of Alla

  4. In marriage, patience is one of the top virtues you will need. This sister was saying if she had a job she would have divorced her husband but she stayed only for her son. if the sister wasn't patient, would she have ever seen this changes in her husband? Changes doesn't come overnight. Man and woman both should be patient to see the positive changes in their spouses. Of course always ask Allah to protect their marriage and guide their spouses to the right path.

  5. Divorce is not a solution. It is the last resolution when every measures of saving the marriage has been done applying. Remember, shaytan enjoys to watch couples getting divorced more than murder. You can never save your marriage from shaytan's influence unless you stay under the domain of Allah's protection by being a practicing person.

  6. The change begins with you. See, if Allah wants he can change a person for you but you have to take the first step. You have to lead by example first.

(It was really wholesome to know how a person, her spouse and her married life went through a positive transformation just because of her tawba and her getting closer to Allah. I thought it was worth sharing.)