I think this season and the finale were really good

Fr, it's up there with season one for me. We got to see new ingesting characters, it was funny, it didn't drag out (like season 2, for me at least) and was overall very good imo. Also, I do really like the ending. Some people say they were disappointed (which is, ofc, valid) however, I do think that it was done really good and it's great. See, the thing is, that the first three seasons did have a finales - with a grand reveals and a lot of tension. However, since the characters are finally acknowledging that there are some things that do not add up, this finale was not meant to be a finale at all - because the story isn't over and the characters know it. The last three were just to solve and find the killer. Now, there is a bigger mystery at play, our main trio is aware of some weird things going on and all those loose ends are coming back. Who is watching them? Why are there so many murders happening in the building? What's going on? Because clearly, something is not right. This isn't just solving one murder - there is something more there and Sazzs murder is just a chapter in this. This was not meant to be a finale - this was meant to be a begging for the next season. And I think it was done perfectly, leaving us with more questions than answers.

This is, ofc, only my opinion, I just wanted to share it

(also, side note, I do love that they finally dropped giving Mabel a new love interest lolol)