Background before coming to Orthodox Christianity

Do you think that it would matter to a future spouse your sexual past before coming into Orthodoxy? Or even after coming into Orthodoxy if, like me, you've been very lost and haven't been able to have a spiritual father until now, and finally you're able to grow in your faith and relationship with Christ because of him? I guess I know I'm not like a girl who prostitutes herself online, but going all the way with 2 boyfriends and 1 casual encounter, but with many guys where I didn't go all the way, I just feel intimidated and genuinely guilty to present that this is the case to any guy that I might date/marry. I wanted to be pure when I was in middle school, but after my first boyfriend, I fell into an addiction that I hope to cure through Christ now that I have more guidance. The guilt is pretty overwhelming, and it even makes me afraid that I would be someone who would cheat, though I never have before.. I've grown so much in this area over time, it's been a slow process since my first boyfriend, with many falls.. Thoughts..?