Azur Lane: Taihou by [R/K]

Name: Azur Lane: Taihou

Authors: [R/K]

Skin commisioned by: Pustules




Enjoy, enjoy!


Small info about commisions:

- Every commision is done basing on customer's preferences in terms of gameplay and design. IF! there are similarities between elements from previous skins or similarities to many others, it means customer wanted it to be that way.

- Pricing: Price always starts from 60 dollars

- 'Part1' of commisions is currently closed, but I'm starting soon the 'Part2' so you can DM me for more informations and being one of the first on a new list!

- In 'Part2' you will most likely be able to order custom drawings(images of your fav characters, you as a chibbi and many others), so the skin feels more personal and more 'yours'. More informations soon.