RRSP Withdrawal on Maternity Leave [BC]

I’m wondering what is a good way to save taxes before going on Maternity leave? In my current situation, I’m due mid-July this year and my company will only top-up up to half of my current salary for the first 4 months - all of which will be before the end of this year. Since I plan to take the entire 12 months plus a little bit extra for some travelling, I don’t plan on returning to work until August 2026 and will be on just EI from Jan to Aug 2026 which will be less than 40% of my salary when combined with the rest of the months of 2026 when I go back full time from Aug 2026. I don’t plan on staying in Canada for more than 2-3 years and have no desire to contribute long term to my RRSP however I do want to reduce my taxable income for 2025 and 2026 as well as 2024 (since I still have a few days to contribute to my RRSP for 2024) so I can withdraw from my RRSP during the Mat leave in either 2025 or 2026 - whenever my income and tax rate is at its lowest due to EI on Mat leave. Is it a good idea to contribute 30-40% of my savings to RRSP now and for 2025 so I can withdraw cash from RRSP if and when I need the cash or when I decide to relocate? Anyone here that has been in a similar situation and has withdrawn from their RRSP by contributing a good chunk to save taxes in the mean time and have cash access later on during Mat leave? Is what I’m describing above make sense or doable? I would love to hear from anyone else that knows RRSP and income tax rates better. Thanks!